Culturally Confident

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Hackschooling Part II w/ Logan LaPlante

Back in January, my students and I discussed "Hackschooling", a topic introduced to us by Logan Laplante's TEDx speech in 2013 (see video here).   Tonight, Logan joined our University of Nevada classroom and provided his response to student follow-up questions regarding issues that impact Hackschooling (e.g. Common Core State Standards Initiative, international students/English second language learners, professional development/networking, parental involvement, etc.).  He also shared about his experiences with the NV educational system, home schooling, tailored education/learning styles, and how HackSchooling could be modified for a variety of learning environments. The following questions were created by UNR students' and Logan's responses are found in the students comments below: Logan’s Hackschooling Follow-up Questions

1. Common Core: How does the implementation of Common Core State Standards (standardized testing) affect your Hackschooled homeschooling experience?

2. Happy & Healthy: How can public schools “hack” their systems to teach being happy and healthy given their limitations?

3. Creative Resources: How can resources outside of Incline Village be implemented into Hackschooling?(Will you provide an example of how local resources could be used to hack public education (writing, reading, etc.) for another student who doesn’t ski in a different city?

4. Networking: Incline Village is a small town where networking and building relationships can be less intimidating. How would your Hackschooling method for networking, differ if it were done in a big city like L.A. or New York?

5. K12 TEDx: How can the TEDx presentation series contribute to the public K12 educational system?  (If elementary, junior highs, and high schools put on their own TEDx series- how could the benefits/experiences you’ve had help young students, parents, teachers, community, etc.)

6. Music Ed: How can your experience be applied to a student learning music at a low- resource school and low socioeconomic community?

7. International/English Leaners (Me): What benefits and challenges do you believe Hackschooling can provide to international students and English language learners?